
Develop people and communities creatively and professionally for sustainability.


Aim to produce graduates with expertise, who can work professionally and are socially responsible.


A college of wisdom, creating value for the community based on creative development.


  • Develop a high-quality workforce in service and management to meet the needs of the country’s industries and the ASEAN region.
  • Create research that can lead to community development, commercial innovation, and valuable benefits for various organizations.
  • Provide academic services to society by applying innovations and wisdom from various disciplines for sustainable development.
  • Produce and preserve art and culture based on creative thinking.
  • Establish a modern management system.

Core Values CHTS

  • C – Community  Consider the transfer of knowledge to the community, commit to serving the community, and uphold responsibility towards the public and society.
  • H – Harmony  Promote unity, dedication to work, teamwork, and the development of personnel potential to be ready for creative productivity.
  • T – Technology Keep pace with technology, maintain modernity, utilize it professionally, and be able to transfer technology to the community.
  • S – Service Mine and Sharing Wisdom Provide service with heart and a smile, sharing information with the community in an understandable and accessible manner.

Platform development of the University

Enhance the development of the university to effectively drive the five strategic areas into practice. Therefore, a development model that aligns and integrates seven platforms has been established.

  • RUTS Education Innovation Platform Innovation in Education
  • Re-RUTS Lecturer Platform New Model of Lecturer Management
  • RUTS Branding Platform Developing People According to Srivijaya Identity
  • Research Platform Producing Research, Inventions, and Innovations
  • Social Engagement Platform Providing Academic Services and Social Activities
  • Cultural Enterprise Platform Cultural Enterprise
  • Modern Organization Management Platform Modern Organization Management
  • Agricultural Technology Development Creating Agricultural Technologists for Sustainable National Development