• ภาษาไทย
    • English

Bachelor of Arts Program in English for International Communication

  • Bachelor of Arts Program in English for International Communication

  • 4-Year Bachelor's Degrees


Program Overview

            English is becoming an international language which is an important range of many careers. The Bachelor of Arts Program in English for International Communication, hence, aims at producing high-quality graduates in academic field. The program provides a solid foundation and knowledge of high-level English language skills including English language study, English for specific purpose, literature, language and culture, translation, linguistics, English skills for communication, academic presentation and English through media. The students are exposed to practical training with both domestic and international organization.

Career Opportunities

            Government officer, editorial assistants, analysts, journalists, self-employed writers, personnel managers, tour guide, flight attendance, translator, teacher, lecturer (further education is required) and position in many industries and services which required an expert in English such as advertising, banking, finance and insurance.